Spyros Papaloukas – The adventure of painting

(Ελληνικά) Το πορτραίτο του ζωγράφου Σπύρου Παπαλουκά γίνεται η αφορμή για να συναντήσει η ζωγραφική τις άλλες τέχνες και μέσα από τον κινηματογραφικό φακό να συνομιλήσει μαζί τους .

Throughout my childhood, my teacher used to criticize my drawings so severely that painting became a real suffering for me.
As the years went by, I often felt the need to paint. But I never dared to draw a line on a paper, maybe because – having been so traumatized in the past – I always thought I’ll never succeed.
As I was thumbing through an album about the painter Spyros Papaloukas, I was deeply touched by a phrase of his notes saying that anyone can learn to sketch as long as he has a method to follow. From that moment, painting was no longer something inaccessible. It became an art with codes and secrets I could conquer.
Through the dark paths of time, I tried with my camera to trace down the painter’s course and started to “sketch” his portrait.
But at the same time, the painter himself paved the way for me to explore the enigma of painting and let me wander inside strange and charming landscapes where painting meets with other arts and reveals the deepest meaning of Art and Life.

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